What kind of classes can you expect in Sama U Yoga studio?

‘Anyone who can breathe can do yoga.’

T.K.V. Desikachar

I teach accessible & functional yoga for desk workers and new mums aimed at back pain prevention. Through asanas we work on mobility, we explore breath techniques and we practice some meditation. Those are all key components allowing you to stand tall, strong and confident with your back straight.

I teach Hatha yoga. My favourite style for studio yoga classes is Vinyasa.

Vinyasa stands for a flowing sequence of asanas /shapes coordinated with breath and linked with intention. These classes are quite popular in Europe and across the world.

My classes are slow, simple and are open for all 'levels'. Everyone is welcome. My intention is to make my classes accessible if you are starting out on your yoga journey as well as if you are already experienced yoga practitioner. I value individuality and recognise that everybody is different. To honour those differences I offer different options and variations of shapes, so that everyone can find what works best for them.

I like aligning my classes with different cycles of the day. So you can expect morning classes to be a little more active and energising: preparing you for
your active days, while evening classes will be more grounding and relaxing: preparing you to reset, rest and sleep.

A typical 1 hour yoga studio class includes settling-in and breathing exercises, warm-up, main sequence and a cool down followed by a relaxation phase.

Looking forward to practcing yoga with you.

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